Hail Map for Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Number of Impacted Households on 5/26/2021

Impacted by 1" or Larger Hail
Impacted by 1.75" or Larger Hail
Impacted by 2.5" or Larger Hail

Square Miles of Populated Area Impacted on 5/26/2021

Impacted by 1" or Larger Hail
Impacted by 1.75" or Larger Hail
Impacted by 2.5" or Larger Hail

Regions Impacted by Hail on 5/26/2021

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Cities Most Affected by Hail Storms of 5/26/2021

Hail Size Demographics of Zip Codes Affected
City Count Average Largest Pop Density House Value Income Age
Hays, KS 6 2.33 4.00 62 $91k $32.5k 30.5
Herndon, KS 6 1.83 2.00 1 $22k $25.2k 53.3
Panhandle, TX 4 2.38 2.50 1 $58k $41.5k 39.8
Gruver, TX 3 2.58 3.00 0 $61k $33.2k 36.0
Geneseo, KS 4 1.88 2.00 3 $26k $26.5k 51.4
Mcpherson, KS 3 2.08 2.75 67 $86k $42.0k 39.9
Palisade, NE 2 2.75 2.75 2 $33k $24.9k 48.5
Gurley, NE 2 2.63 2.75 1 $45k $28.4k 46.2
Perryton, TX 2 2.50 2.50 13 $49k $38.0k 31.5
Wauneta, NE 2 2.13 2.50 1 $40k $30.1k 50.2
Russell, KS 2 2.13 2.50 15 $46k $30.2k 45.3
Ellis, KS 2 2.00 2.25 8 $55k $30.4k 40.4
Oberlin, KS 2 1.75 1.75 5 $49k $31.7k 50.5
Goodland, KS 1 2.50 2.50 9 $65k $33.1k 41.5
Brewster, KS 1 2.50 2.50 1 $42k $36.6k 43.3
Victoria, KS 1 2.00 2.00 8 $70k $33.5k 42.6
Norton, KS 1 1.75 1.75 10 $55k $31.1k 42.6
Damar, KS 1 1.75 1.75 2 $25k $27.5k 43.8
Hoxie, KS 1 1.75 1.75 2 $59k $33.9k 48.2
Lyons, KS 1 1.75 1.75 23 $46k $35.8k 40.0
Upton, WY 1 1.75 1.75 0 $68k $34.9k 41.3
Hale Center, TX 1 1.75 1.75 4 $42k $29.2k 36.0

Hail and Wind Damage Spotted on 5/26/2021

Filter by Report Type:Hail ReportsWind Reports


Local Time Report Details
9:06 AM MDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Brewster, KS, 21.5 miles WNW of Colby, KS
9:12 AM MDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Goodland, KS, 38.1 miles WSW of Colby, KS, delayed report.
9:18 AM MDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Goodland, KS, 36.5 miles WSW of Colby, KS, delayed report.
9:26 AM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Goodland, KS, 34 miles WSW of Colby, KS
9:29 AM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Goodland, KS, 34.8 miles W of Colby, KS, report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).
9:30 AM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Goodland, KS, 37.1 miles W of Colby, KS
11:08 AM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Brewster, KS, 17.8 miles WSW of Colby, KS
11:08 AM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Brewster, KS, 18 miles W of Colby, KS
11:08 AM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Brewster, KS, 17.8 miles WSW of Colby, KS, corrects previous hail report from 2 s brewster.
11:37 AM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Colby, KS, 10.8 miles NW of Colby, KS, penny to quarter size hail covering the ground.
11:52 AM CDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Brewster, KS, 19.5 miles WNW of Colby, KS, storm chaser reported golf ball to tennis ball size hail. hail broke their windshield.
1:13 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Wakeeney, KS, 30.5 miles WNW of Hays, KS
1:25 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Ellis, KS, 13.2 miles WNW of Hays, KS
1:28 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Ellis, KS, 13.2 miles WNW of Hays, KS
1:36 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Ellis, KS, 13.4 miles WNW of Hays, KS
1:37 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Ellis, KS, 13.7 miles WNW of Hays, KS
1:40 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Ellis, KS, 13.2 miles WNW of Hays, KS
1:49 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Ellis, KS, 13.2 miles WNW of Hays, KS
2:00 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 0.9 miles SSW of Hays, KS, report from mping: half dollar (1.25 in.).
2:04 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 4.6 miles NW of Hays, KS
2:06 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 0.1 miles ESE of Hays, KS, report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).
2:08 PM CDT Baseball sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 0.9 miles NE of Hays, KS
2:11 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 2 miles N of Hays, KS, report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).
2:13 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 2 miles N of Hays, KS, report from mping: hen egg (2.00 in.).
2:13 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 0.7 miles E of Hays, KS
2:30 PM CDT Grapefruit sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 1.6 miles SSE of Hays, KS, social media post.
2:39 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 2.3 miles SE of Hays, KS, report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).
2:41 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 5.4 miles SE of Hays, KS
2:41 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 5.2 miles ESE of Hays, KS
2:49 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 2.3 miles SE of Hays, KS, report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).
2:56 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 1.9 miles ESE of Hays, KS
3:23 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Victoria, KS, 9.9 miles E of Hays, KS, report from mping: hen egg (2.00 in.).
3:30 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 11.1 miles S of Hays, KS
3:30 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Hays, KS, 6.3 miles S of Hays, KS, report from mping: half dollar (1.25 in.).
3:50 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Gorham, KS, 17 miles E of Hays, KS
4:04 PM CDT 60 to 70 mph winds in russell county KS, 28.2 miles E of Hays, KS
4:06 PM CDT Storm damage reported in russell county KS, 17.9 miles E of Hays, KS
4:24 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Russell, KS, 22.3 miles E of Hays, KS, 60 mph winds were also reported along with an uprooted tree.
4:25 PM CDT 40 foot tall... 3ft wide elm tree blown over. delayed report. time estimated based on rada in russell county KS, 25.6 miles E of Hays, KS
4:28 PM CDT Dime sized hail also reported along with very heavy rai in russell county KS, 26.1 miles E of Hays, KS
4:35 PM CDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Russell, KS, 26 miles E of Hays, KS, delayed report.
4:39 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Russell, KS, 26 miles E of Hays, KS
4:45 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Russell, KS, 26 miles E of Hays, KS, via social media pic.
4:49 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Leoti, KS, 50.4 miles NNW of Garden City, KS, report from mping: half dollar (1.25 in.).
4:52 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Leoti, KS, 50.9 miles NNW of Garden City, KS, report received of quarter sized hail north of leoti.
5:31 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Monument, KS, 25 miles SSW of Colby, KS
5:33 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Winona, KS, 25.5 miles SSW of Colby, KS
5:49 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Herndon, KS, 43.8 miles NNE of Colby, KS
5:59 PM CDT Pws station kksglene3. in stratiform precip on north side of thunderstorm in mitchell county KS, 62.7 miles ENE of Hays, KS
6:00 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 72 miles ESE of Hays, KS
6:05 PM CDT Kansas mesonet wind gust in stratiform rain on north side of thunderstorm in mitchell county KS, 71.9 miles ENE of Hays, KS
6:05 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Ellsworth, KS, 66.8 miles E of Hays, KS, 1.3 inches of rain and 40 mph winds with the storm as it passed.
6:08 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Colby, KS, 11.6 miles S of Colby, KS, report from mping: quarter sized hail reported.
6:12 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Oberlin, KS, 46.4 miles NNE of Colby, KS, hail ranged from penny to quarter with occasional golf ball.
6:20 PM CDT Delayed reports of power pole and tree damage in and around beloi in mitchell county KS, 77.2 miles ENE of Hays, KS
6:24 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Holyrood, KS, 53.5 miles ESE of Hays, KS
6:35 PM CDT Semi truck blown over on hwy 15 in ellsworth county KS, 53.5 miles ESE of Hays, KS
6:43 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 62.6 miles ESE of Hays, KS
6:54 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 67.8 miles ESE of Hays, KS
6:54 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Lyons, KS, 68.1 miles NW of Wichita, KS, very heavy rain with the hail.
6:56 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 62.6 miles ESE of Hays, KS
6:56 PM CDT Storm damage reported in saline county KS, 64.4 miles WSW of Manhattan, KS
6:57 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 66.9 miles ESE of Hays, KS
7:02 PM CDT Power lines down in the city of salin in saline county KS, 61.4 miles WSW of Manhattan, KS
7:05 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 67.8 miles ESE of Hays, KS
7:06 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 67.3 miles ESE of Hays, KS
7:11 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hoxie, KS, 32.5 miles E of Colby, KS, public report of quarter size hail.
7:15 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 68.1 miles ESE of Hays, KS
7:21 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Colby, KS, 14.7 miles N of Colby, KS, report received via social media.
7:22 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Montezuma, KS, 39.1 miles SSE of Garden City, KS
7:23 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 68.3 miles ESE of Hays, KS, relayed via kwch.
7:25 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Geneseo, KS, 67.8 miles ESE of Hays, KS
7:25 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Ensign, KS, 40.8 miles ESE of Garden City, KS
7:30 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Hoxie, KS, 32.5 miles E of Colby, KS, delayed report via social media of hail up to golf ball size and a storm rain total of 0.16 inch.
7:31 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Atwood, KS, 21.2 miles N of Colby, KS, report via twitter.
7:33 PM CDT A tree that was blown down took out power in the north part of tow in saline county KS, 62.1 miles WSW of Manhattan, KS
7:52 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Jennings, KS, 47.1 miles ENE of Colby, KS
7:53 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Jennings, KS, 45.9 miles ENE of Colby, KS
7:57 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Herndon, KS, 30.7 miles NNE of Colby, KS
7:57 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Herndon, KS, 33.3 miles NNE of Colby, KS, delayed report. relayed via social media. hail measure 2.25 inches.
7:58 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Herndon, KS, 32 miles NNE of Colby, KS
8:00 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Herndon, KS, 32 miles NNE of Colby, KS
8:04 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Herndon, KS, 30.8 miles NNE of Colby, KS
8:05 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Oberlin, KS, 36.1 miles NNE of Colby, KS
8:06 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Herndon, KS, 33 miles NNE of Colby, KS
8:07 PM CDT 5 inch tree branches reported blown dow in saline county KS, 58.8 miles WSW of Manhattan, KS
8:20 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Oberlin, KS, 40.4 miles NNE of Colby, KS, biggest hail stone just over 1 inch in diameter.
8:36 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Norton, KS, 65.1 miles ENE of Colby, KS
8:36 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Norton, KS, 68.8 miles ENE of Colby, KS, delayed report via facebook.
8:40 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Norton, KS, 68.8 miles ENE of Colby, KS
8:43 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Norton, KS, 66.1 miles ENE of Colby, KS, mainly nickel to quarter hail... a few ping pong ball hail stones mixed.
8:43 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Mcpherson, KS, 50.3 miles NNW of Wichita, KS
8:47 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Mcpherson, KS, 51 miles NNW of Wichita, KS, quarter to golf ball sized hail at mcpherson high school.
8:50 PM CDT Baseball sized hail reported near Mcpherson, KS, 50.5 miles NNW of Wichita, KS, delayed report via social media.
9:07 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Inman, KS, 44.3 miles NNW of Wichita, KS
9:20 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Mcpherson, KS, 49.3 miles NNW of Wichita, KS
9:30 PM CDT Also reported dime size hai in mcpherson county KS, 41.7 miles NNW of Wichita, KS
9:44 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hill City, KS, 43.9 miles NW of Hays, KS
10:00 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Bogue, KS, 38.8 miles NNW of Hays, KS
10:15 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Damar, KS, 33.7 miles NNW of Hays, KS, time estimated from radar.
10:24 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Stockton, KS, 37 miles N of Hays, KS
10:46 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Stockton, KS, 37.3 miles N of Hays, KS, via twitter.
3:56 AM UTC Asos station kp28 medicine lodg in barber county KS, 72.4 miles WSW of Wichita, KS
11:40 PM CDT Storm damage reported in sedgwick county KS, 14.7 miles SW of Wichita, KS
12:00 AM CDT Storm damage reported in sedgwick county KS, 2.9 miles WNW of Wichita, KS
5:01 AM UTC Delayed report: numerous large tree limbs dow in sumner county KS, 16.6 miles S of Wichita, KS
12:03 AM CDT Storm damage reported in sedgwick county KS, 5.9 miles SE of Wichita, KS
12:04 AM CDT Storm damage reported in sedgwick county KS, 6 miles WSW of Wichita, KS
5:08 AM UTC Delayed report: large tree down over the roa in marion county KS, 54.7 miles SSW of Manhattan, KS
12:14 AM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Beloit, KS, 74.6 miles NE of Hays, KS, ground is white with hail and many leaves stripped.
12:15 AM CDT Storm damage reported in sedgwick county KS, 4.2 miles ENE of Wichita, KS
12:20 AM CDT Delayed report: trees across roads and wind damage to home in marion county KS, 48.1 miles SW of Manhattan, KS
12:24 AM CDT Storm damage reported in sedgwick county KS, 7.7 miles NE of Wichita, KS
12:25 AM CDT Delayed report: 12-14 live tree snapped near the bas in cowley county KS, 29.1 miles SE of Wichita, KS
5:31 AM UTC 1-inch tree limbs broken; shingles blown of in butler county KS, 32.5 miles ENE of Wichita, KS
12:40 AM CDT Storm damage reported in sedgwick county KS, 5.9 miles SE of Wichita, KS
5:50 AM UTC Delayed report: very large tree (5-6 ft in diameter) down over the road. several other limbs and branches of 14+ inches in diameter broken in the are in butler county KS, 27.6 miles ENE of Wichita, KS
12:55 AM CDT 6-inch tree limbs down... e6 in butler county KS, 28.1 miles ENE of Wichita, KS
6:13 AM UTC Reported at manhattan regional airport aso in riley county KS, 6.4 miles WSW of Manhattan, KS
6:25 AM UTC Mesonet station fw6911 manhatta in pottawatomie county KS, 4.4 miles ENE of Manhattan, KS
6:33 AM UTC 1-inch tree limbs broken; shingles blown of in riley county KS, 0.1 miles NE of Manhattan, KS
1:38 AM CDT Asos station kcnk concordi in cloud county KS, 63.7 miles WNW of Manhattan, KS
7:00 AM UTC Downed tree limbs... time approximate in pottawatomie county KS, 10.1 miles NE of Manhattan, KS
2:15 AM CDT Downed power line... time approximate in pottawatomie county KS, 30 miles NE of Manhattan, KS
2:22 AM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Clay Center, KS, 38.5 miles NW of Manhattan, KS
8:00 AM UTC Trees down... time estimate in marshall county KS, 35 miles N of Manhattan, KS

New York

Local Time Report Details
12:00 PM EDT Trees and wires dow in wayne county NY, 44.1 miles WNW of Syracuse, NY
12:06 PM EDT Trees down in tow in wayne county NY, 35.7 miles WNW of Syracuse, NY
12:22 PM EDT *** 3 inj *** twitter video of a collapsed lumber building under construction. 3 injuries reported. estimated 50 knot wind gus in yates county NY, 53.6 miles WSW of Syracuse, NY
12:35 PM EDT Trees and wires down on merritt rd in granby. time estimated by rada in oswego county NY, 20.5 miles NW of Syracuse, NY
12:46 PM EDT Trees and wires down on route 45 in palermo. time estimated by rada in oswego county NY, 22.4 miles NNW of Syracuse, NY
12:50 PM EDT Trees blocking the road in cayuga county NY, 27.2 miles SSW of Syracuse, NY
12:50 PM EDT Trees down... trampoline thrown in cayuga county NY, 23 miles WSW of Syracuse, NY
12:53 PM EDT Trees and wires down in paris in oswego county NY, 24.2 miles N of Syracuse, NY
1:00 PM EDT Trees and wires down on s. albion rd... in the town of albio in oswego county NY, 31.3 miles NNE of Syracuse, NY
1:05 PM EDT Trees and wires down on whig hill rd... west monroe. time estimated by rada in oswego county NY, 17.7 miles NNE of Syracuse, NY
1:05 PM EDT Multiple reports of trees and wires down along slate hill road and route 2 in onondaga county NY, 11.3 miles SW of Syracuse, NY
1:15 PM EDT Large tree down on a vehicl in onondaga county NY, 2.2 miles SSW of Syracuse, NY
1:16 PM EDT Trees and wires down in osceola. time estimated by rada in lewis county NY, 37.8 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:20 PM EDT Twitter photo of trees dow in onondaga county NY, 6.2 miles SE of Syracuse, NY
1:21 PM EDT Trees and wires down in swancott mil in lewis county NY, 39.5 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:28 PM EDT Trees and wires down on james street in constableville. time estimated by rada in lewis county NY, 51 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:30 PM EDT Numerous trees and powerlines dow in onondaga county NY, 9.2 miles ESE of Syracuse, NY
1:32 PM EDT Trees and wires down in turin. time estimated by rada in lewis county NY, 54.6 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:32 PM EDT Trees and wires down in south turin. time estimated by rada in lewis county NY, 54.5 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:32 PM EDT Trees and wires down in west turin. time estimated by rada in lewis county NY, 53.9 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:32 PM EDT Tree and wires down on a hous in madison county NY, 12.8 miles ENE of Syracuse, NY
1:35 PM EDT Trees and wires down in lyons falls. time estimated by rada in lewis county NY, 55.9 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:36 PM EDT Trees and wires down. time estimated by rada in lewis county NY, 57.7 miles NE of Syracuse, NY
1:40 PM EDT Multiple reports of trees and wires dow in madison county NY, 19.2 miles ENE of Syracuse, NY
1:45 PM EDT Trees down on east grove stree in madison county NY, 25.3 miles E of Syracuse, NY
1:48 PM EDT Multiple reports of trees and wires down on several roads in the are in oneida county NY, 59.9 miles ENE of Syracuse, NY
2:05 PM EDT Tree on wires on beachview r in herkimer county NY, 72.7 miles SSE of Ogdensburg, NY
2:10 PM EDT Trees down on big moose r in herkimer county NY, 66.2 miles SSE of Ogdensburg, NY
2:25 PM EDT Trees down across beaver creek roa in madison county NY, 44.9 miles ESE of Syracuse, NY
2:30 PM EDT Tree and wires downed on route 30 at lewey lake campsite road in hamilton county NY, 62.1 miles NNW of Schenectady, NY
2:30 PM EDT Tree and wires down on piper rd in villag in herkimer county NY, 54.3 miles WNW of Schenectady, NY
2:35 PM EDT Trees and wires down in east frankfor in herkimer county NY, 55.1 miles E of Syracuse, NY
2:40 PM EDT Tree and wires dow in herkimer county NY, 46.5 miles WNW of Schenectady, NY
3:06 PM EDT Tree down on powerline on fredericks roa in broome county NY, 56.5 miles NNW of Scranton, PA
3:18 PM EDT Trees down on wires near old schroon roa in essex county NY, 55.4 miles SSW of Burlington, VT
3:20 PM EDT Tree down across davis r in broome county NY, 54.7 miles N of Scranton, PA
3:22 PM EDT Wires down on river roa in broome county NY, 53.3 miles N of Scranton, PA
3:30 PM EDT Large tree limbs down (> 2" in diameter) on the cross street of susan and edson from gust front ahead of thunderstorm in montgomery county NY, 12.6 miles NW of Schenectady, NY
3:41 PM EDT Limbs downed on campbell road in rotterdam due to gust front well ahead of thunderstorms in schenectady county NY, 2.5 miles W of Schenectady, NY
3:42 PM EDT Tree downed on wires. occurred with gust front well ahead of thunderstorm in schenectady county NY, 1.6 miles NW of Schenectady, NY
3:44 PM EDT Tree downed on wires. occurred with gust front well ahead of thunderstorm in schenectady county NY, 1 miles SSE of Schenectady, NY
4:00 PM EDT Large tree down on route 40 just south of mcdougall rd in washington county NY, 41.8 miles NE of Schenectady, NY
4:06 PM EDT Trees down on tilford rd in washington county NY, 42.8 miles NE of Schenectady, NY
4:08 PM EDT Tree down on route 30 near pope hill rd in washington county NY, 43.9 miles NE of Schenectady, NY
4:24 PM EDT Numerous trees and wires downed in buskirk in washington county NY, 28.3 miles ENE of Schenectady, NY
6:00 PM EDT Tree down in saugerties. time estimate in ulster county NY, 51.2 miles S of Schenectady, NY
6:05 PM EDT Trees down in kerhonkson. time estimate in ulster county NY, 73.6 miles SSW of Schenectady, NY
6:15 PM EDT Trees down in hurley. time estimate in ulster county NY, 62.6 miles S of Schenectady, NY
6:20 PM EDT Trees down in new paltz. time estimate in ulster county NY, 73.1 miles N of Brooklyn, NY
6:30 PM EDT Tree dow in broome county NY, 57.6 miles N of Scranton, PA
6:30 PM EDT Tree and wires down on ny 209 north of us 4 in ulster county NY, 72.8 miles ENE of Scranton, PA
6:35 PM EDT Taconics state parkway north to us 44 closed due to downed tre in dutchess county NY, 73.7 miles N of Brooklyn, NY
7:42 PM EDT Tree down on brefni street in north amityville. time estimated by rada in suffolk county NY, 30 miles E of Brooklyn, NY


Local Time Report Details
1:19 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Brockway, PA, 55.5 miles WNW of State College, PA
2:10 PM EDT Trees down on old main lawn on penn state campus at university par in centre county PA, 0.4 miles N of State College, PA
2:12 PM EDT Trees/wires down in state college borough and ferguson/college twp in centre county PA, 1.1 miles ESE of State College, PA
2:30 PM EDT Trees/wires down near liverpoo in perry county PA, 48.1 miles ESE of State College, PA
2:33 PM EDT Numerous trees reported to have been snapped near unityvill in lycoming county PA, 45.9 miles WSW of Scranton, PA
2:35 PM EDT Trees reported down in the reedsville are in mifflin county PA, 16.1 miles ESE of State College, PA
2:35 PM EDT Trees/wires down on light street in susquehanna tw in juniata county PA, 46.8 miles ESE of State College, PA
2:36 PM EDT Tree and wires dow in mercer county PA, 59.4 miles NNW of Pittsburgh, PA
2:45 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Benton, PA, 40.1 miles WSW of Scranton, PA
2:47 PM EDT Trees/wires down near millerstow in perry county PA, 41 miles ESE of State College, PA
2:49 PM EDT Multiple trees and a barn blown down just north of berrysburg off of route 22 in dauphin county PA, 56.6 miles ESE of State College, PA
2:58 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Benton, PA, 35.5 miles WSW of Scranton, PA
3:16 PM EDT Trees/wires down near new buffal in perry county PA, 52.7 miles ESE of State College, PA
3:20 PM EDT Trees down near route 147 and seiders road in halifax townshi in dauphin county PA, 53.5 miles ESE of State College, PA
3:35 PM EDT Trees down on rock road near natures road east of pine grov in schuylkill county PA, 69 miles SSW of Scranton, PA
3:40 PM EDT Large tree on a home in the 600 block of south 29th stree in dauphin county PA, 65.1 miles SE of State College, PA
3:47 PM EDT Trees down and pea-sized hail near millerstown road and black horse tavern roa in adams county PA, 49.8 miles NW of Baltimore, MD
3:50 PM EDT Trees and wires down on swift run road west of new oxfor in adams county PA, 48.1 miles NNW of Baltimore, MD
3:55 PM EDT Trees and wires down along route 72 north of jonestow in lebanon county PA, 74.9 miles ESE of State College, PA
4:07 PM EDT Corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from center moreland. multiple reports of trees dow in wyoming county PA, 14 miles W of Scranton, PA
4:11 PM EDT Power pole snapped on holly road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 61.4 miles SSW of Scranton, PA
8:13 PM UTC Corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from center moreland. corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from center moreland. multiple reports of trees dow in wyoming county PA, 14 miles W of Scranton, PA
4:19 PM EDT Tree down in fayette county PA, 40.1 miles SSE of Pittsburgh, PA
4:25 PM EDT Downed tree on u.s. highway 222 near bernville road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 73.1 miles SSW of Scranton, PA
4:27 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near chapel hill road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 75.3 miles NNE of Baltimore, MD
4:29 PM EDT Tree limbs and wires down near westwood road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 75 miles SSW of Scranton, PA
4:29 PM EDT Mping reports of trees uprooted and power poles snapped near adam road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 62.1 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:30 PM EDT Social media video of a tree blowing down from strong wind in berks county PA, 64.2 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:30 PM EDT Tree dow in susquehanna county PA, 21.5 miles NNW of Scranton, PA
4:30 PM EDT Tree dow in susquehanna county PA, 21.5 miles N of Scranton, PA
4:33 PM EDT Downed tree on basket road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 70.2 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:33 PM EDT Mping report of tree limbs and wires dow in berks county PA, 66.2 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:35 PM EDT Downed trees and wires on kutztown road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 62.5 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:35 PM EDT Multiple trees down on crystal ridge road. time estimated from radar and dispatch repor in berks county PA, 62.1 miles S of Scranton, PA
8:36 PM UTC Corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from west lenox. tree dow in susquehanna county PA, 21.5 miles N of Scranton, PA
4:39 PM EDT Several reports of downed trees and wires in the bowers area. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 64.3 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:40 PM EDT Tree down reported with high winds and pea sized hai in berks county PA, 64.9 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:48 PM EDT Several reports of trees and wires down in the klines corner and maxatawny areas. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 60.7 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:48 PM EDT Downed tree on powder mill hollow road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 75.3 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:48 PM EDT Mping report of downed tree limbs and power lines near old topton road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 62.1 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:52 PM EDT Mping report of downed tree limbs and power lines near valley road. time estimated from rada in berks county PA, 62.1 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:54 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires near hickory circle. time estimated from rada in lehigh county PA, 57.7 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:55 PM EDT Downed wires near haines mill road. time estimated from rada in lehigh county PA, 57.8 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:55 PM EDT Downed tree on ziegler road near gravel pike. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 68.7 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:55 PM EDT Social media photo of a snapped tree in a neighborhood near allentown. time corrected based on rada in lehigh county PA, 56.8 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:55 PM EDT 6 homes along oakwood trail and dogwood trail damaged by strong wind gusts and fallen tree in lehigh county PA, 58.4 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:58 PM EDT Downed tree on reifsnyder road near swamp picnic road. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 76.7 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:58 PM EDT Several reports of trees and wires down southwest of allentown. time estimated from rada in lehigh county PA, 58.4 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:58 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near kressler road. time estimated from rada in lehigh county PA, 58.3 miles S of Scranton, PA
4:58 PM EDT Downed tree in wires on kutztown road near township woods road. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 69.9 miles S of Scranton, PA
5:05 PM EDT Downed tree on salford station road near cepp road. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 77.9 miles S of Scranton, PA
5:05 PM EDT Several downed trees and a power pole down. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 74.3 miles S of Scranton, PA
5:05 PM EDT Downed tree on ward road. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 72.8 miles S of Scranton, PA
5:05 PM EDT Downed tree near the intersection of limeport pike and chestnut hill church road. time estimated from rada in lehigh county PA, 64.4 miles S of Scranton, PA
5:07 PM EDT Several reports of downed trees and wires near and west of sellersville. time estimated from rada in bucks county PA, 73.5 miles WSW of Brooklyn, NY
5:08 PM EDT Picture confirms tree damage with large branches down in mcmurra in washington county PA, 12 miles SSW of Pittsburgh, PA
5:08 PM EDT Multiple reports of trees and wires down in mt. lebanon. time estimated based on rada in allegheny county PA, 5.5 miles SSW of Pittsburgh, PA
5:09 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near mountain view road. time estimated from rada in bucks county PA, 73.2 miles SSE of Scranton, PA
5:10 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires near walnut lane. time estimated from rada in bucks county PA, 70.2 miles S of Scranton, PA
5:12 PM EDT Multiple small to medium sized branches down. estimated wind speed of 45 mp in washington county PA, 12.4 miles S of Pittsburgh, PA
5:14 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near front street. time estimated from rada in northampton county PA, 59.7 miles SSE of Scranton, PA
5:15 PM EDT Reports of trees down. time estimated based on rada in allegheny county PA, 6.1 miles ESE of Pittsburgh, PA
5:15 PM EDT Reports of trees down across city of pittsburgh. time estimated based on radar in allegheny county PA, 0.9 miles E of Pittsburgh, PA
5:16 PM EDT Report of tree branches down and blown over patio furniture in west mifflin. time estimated based on rada in allegheny county PA, 7.1 miles SE of Pittsburgh, PA
5:16 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near kellers road and mine road. time estimated from rada in bucks county PA, 65.4 miles SSE of Scranton, PA
5:20 PM EDT Broadcast meteorologist estimates 60-65 mph wind gusts near allentown road and county line roa in bucks county PA, 74 miles SSE of Scranton, PA
5:20 PM EDT Trees down in cooke tw in cumberland county PA, 60.4 miles SSE of State College, PA
5:21 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near county line road and business route 202. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 71.5 miles WSW of Brooklyn, NY
5:21 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near river road and manor road. time estimated from rada in warren county NJ, 57.7 miles SSE of Scranton, PA
5:22 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires north of raubsville road. time estimated from rada in northampton county PA, 58.3 miles SSE of Scranton, PA
5:23 PM EDT Downed tree blocking overbrook drive near gwynedd valley drive. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 75.7 miles WSW of Brooklyn, NY
5:23 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near harmony station road and river road. time estimated from rada in warren county NJ, 52.4 miles SSE of Scranton, PA
5:27 PM EDT Downed wires on wistar road near chetwynd road. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 79 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:27 PM EDT Downed tree on buck drive near rabbit run lane. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 72.9 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:30 PM EDT Downed tree limbs on fourth avenue and lincoln avenue. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 82 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:32 PM EDT Downed tree on styer road near meadow creek lane. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 72.7 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:32 PM EDT Report of tree down blocking the road. time estiamted based on rada in westmoreland county PA, 16.6 miles ESE of Pittsburgh, PA
5:34 PM EDT Report of tree down blocking roadway. time estimated based on rada in westmoreland county PA, 18.5 miles E of Pittsburgh, PA
5:37 PM EDT Multiple reports of trees and wires down blocking roadways. time estimated based on rada in westmoreland county PA, 17.8 miles E of Pittsburgh, PA
5:39 PM EDT Downed tree limbs on davisville road and danielle drive. time estimated from rada in montgomery county PA, 68.6 miles WSW of Brooklyn, NY
5:44 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near sixth street and market street. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 48.5 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:46 PM EDT Report of trees and powerlines down along with a blown off roof in greensbur in westmoreland county PA, 25.7 miles ESE of Pittsburgh, PA
5:48 PM EDT Multiple reports of trees and wires down blocking roadways in hempfield township. time estimated based on rada in westmoreland county PA, 27.2 miles ESE of Pittsburgh, PA
5:49 PM EDT Downed wires near loop road. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 50.5 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:52 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires near mindy drive. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 55.3 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:54 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires near daleville road. time estimated from rada in chester county PA, 55.3 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
5:56 PM EDT Mping report of wind damage near glenloch street. time estimated from rada in philadelphia county PA, 72.2 miles SW of Brooklyn, NY
6:03 PM EDT Report of trees and wires down blocking sunview circle in derry township. time estimated based on rada in westmoreland county PA, 37.6 miles ESE of Pittsburgh, PA
6:20 PM EDT Report of several snapped trees and downed branche in westmoreland county PA, 48.6 miles E of Pittsburgh, PA
6:31 PM EDT Trees down along bracken street in mundys corne in cambria county PA, 57.5 miles WSW of State College, PA
6:50 PM EDT Trees down on old rt 22 near healy r in blair county PA, 42.9 miles WSW of State College, PA
6:55 PM EDT Trees down in the hollidaysburg are in blair county PA, 37.9 miles SW of State College, PA
7:05 PM EDT Tree down blocking state route 92. oakland townshi in susquehanna county PA, 36 miles N of Scranton, PA
7:26 PM EDT Delayed mping report of 3-inch tree limbs; power poles broken. time estimated based on rada in berks county PA, 62.1 miles S of Scranton, PA
7:40 PM EDT Numerous large trees down in longs park. trailer blown across harrisburg pik in lancaster county PA, 55 miles NNE of Baltimore, MD
8:00 PM EDT Trees and wires down between mifflintown and mcallistervill in juniata county PA, 30.6 miles ESE of State College, PA
8:11 PM EDT Trees and wires dow in juniata county PA, 36.4 miles ESE of State College, PA
8:40 PM EDT Trees down in middlesex and silver spring twp in cumberland county PA, 55.4 miles SE of State College, PA
9:00 PM EDT Numerous trees down in hegins tw in schuylkill county PA, 68.4 miles SW of Scranton, PA


Local Time Report Details
1:24 PM EDT Corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from akron. corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report. 1 tree uprooted along southeast av in summit county OH, 30.6 miles SSE of Cleveland, OH
1:25 PM EDT Corrects previous tstm wnd dmg report from akron. tree down on lansing drive by baker avenue. large tree down on a ca in summit county OH, 30.6 miles SSE of Cleveland, OH
1:34 PM EDT Numerous trees down between i-76 and rt 22 in portage county OH, 33.6 miles SSE of Cleveland, OH
1:34 PM EDT Picture of tree down on route 43 near saxe road with other trees down in the are in portage county OH, 34.8 miles SSE of Cleveland, OH
1:41 PM EDT 1 tree uproote in summit county OH, 30.6 miles SSE of Cleveland, OH
1:41 PM EDT 1 tree uproote in summit county OH, 30.6 miles SSE of Cleveland, OH
1:42 PM EDT Tree down on lansing drive by baker avenue. large tree down on a ca in summit county OH, 30.6 miles SSE of Cleveland, OH


Local Time Report Details
2:38 PM EDT Tree and wires blew down on swimley road near the west virginia state lin in clarke county VA, 75.7 miles W of Baltimore, MD
3:17 PM EDT Numerous trees down in the vicinity of the apple blossom mall in city of winchester county VA, 84.2 miles W of Baltimore, MD
3:17 PM EDT Powerlines down and traffic lights down near the intersection of hillcrest avenue and massanutten terrace in city of winchester county VA, 85.3 miles W of Baltimore, MD
3:19 PM EDT Numerous trees down near the intersection of adam drive and south pleasant valley road in city of winchester county VA, 84.2 miles W of Baltimore, MD
3:33 PM EDT Several reports of trees down in the lovettsville and taylorstown are in loudoun county VA, 52.1 miles W of Baltimore, MD
4:16 PM EDT Wset lynchburg relayed a report from a viewer of several large trees down along pauls road approximately 3 miles southeast of rustburg. time of report estimated by rada in campbell county VA, 48.6 miles E of Roanoke, VA
4:19 PM EDT Two trees blew down... siding blew off building... and fence blew over near intersection of golders green place and scottish hunt lan in prince william county VA, 64.2 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
4:23 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Gainesville, VA, 64.7 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
4:30 PM EDT Large tree down on the 40000 block of featherbed lane in loudoun county VA, 53.8 miles W of Baltimore, MD
4:32 PM EDT Tree blew down on fairview avenue next to the manassas police statio in prince william county VA, 59 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
4:35 PM EDT Multiple tree limbs broken off trees at the intersection of sudley road and centerville roa in prince william county VA, 59 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
4:35 PM EDT Tree fell on mobile home and destroyed i in prince william county VA, 58.6 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
4:37 PM EDT Large tree down on the 12000 block of loft court in prince william county VA, 63.3 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
4:38 PM EDT Numerous trees down on the 9000 block of centreville roa in prince william county VA, 58.6 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
4:40 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Manassas, VA, 59.9 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
4:42 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Manassas, VA, 57.7 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
5:06 PM EDT Large tree down across the 1700 block of west braddock road in city of alexandria county VA, 41 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
5:08 PM EDT Tree blew down on south arlington ridge road between 20th street and i-39 in arlington county VA, 38.7 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
5:12 PM EDT Tree and power lines blew down on mt vernon ave in city of alexandria county VA, 40 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
5:26 PM EDT Large tree down near the intersection of mt. vernon hwy and old mt. vernon hw in fairfax county VA, 46.5 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
6:05 PM EDT Large tree down on the 2000 block of n. glebe road in arlington county VA, 38.5 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
6:56 PM EDT Tree blew down in the 1040 block of milldale roa in warren county VA, 83.2 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
7:01 PM EDT Tree blew down in the 3100 block of port republic roa in rockingham county VA, 65.2 miles SE of Elkins, WV
7:01 PM EDT Multiple trees down on va 671 near neersvill in loudoun county VA, 60.1 miles W of Baltimore, MD
7:04 PM EDT Tree blew down on branchriver road near buzzard rock roa in loudoun county VA, 59 miles W of Baltimore, MD
7:06 PM EDT Tree blew down on irish corner road near mountain roa in loudoun county VA, 56.9 miles W of Baltimore, MD
7:11 PM EDT Tree blew down on route 663 near berlin turnpike (va 287 in loudoun county VA, 54.7 miles W of Baltimore, MD
7:20 PM EDT Tree blew down in the 4500 block of berrytown roa in rockingham county VA, 75 miles ESE of Elkins, WV
7:30 PM EDT Numerous trees and powerlines down near the intersection of windfields service lane and state rout 734/snickersville turnpike in loudoun county VA, 60.9 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
7:31 PM EDT Tree and wires blew down in the 18000 block of red brush roa in rockingham county VA, 76.1 miles ESE of Elkins, WV
7:31 PM EDT Tree blew down on va 734 east (snickersville turnpike)near sam fred roa in loudoun county VA, 61.7 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
7:37 PM EDT A tree blew down in the 13000 block of va-635 hume roa in fauquier county VA, 83.2 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
7:54 PM EDT Tree blew down on parapet way near oxon roa in fairfax county VA, 50.2 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
8:01 PM EDT A tree blew down on va-674 georgetown roa in fauquier county VA, 68.4 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
8:12 PM EDT Tree blew down on canal road near arizona ave northwes in district of columb county DC, 37.1 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:16 PM EDT Tree blew down on the right lane of i-66 westbound just after the rosslyn tunne in arlington county VA, 36.6 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:20 PM EDT A tree blew down near the intersection of us-17 james madison highway and va-628 keith road. a tree blew down on va-647 crest hill roa in fauquier county VA, 75.1 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
8:51 PM EDT Tree down on canal road nw east of arizona ave nw in district of columb county DC, 37.2 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:55 PM EDT There were about half a dozen trees blown down in the springfield... burke and annandale are in fairfax county VA, 46.2 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
9:09 PM EDT Storm damage reported in fairfax county VA, 50.5 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
9:13 PM EDT Storm damage reported in anz536 county VA, 55.6 miles SW of Baltimore, MD

West Virginia

Local Time Report Details
3:00 PM EDT 12 telephone poles blew down on middleway pike just west of charles tow in jefferson county WV, 67.6 miles W of Baltimore, MD
3:02 PM EDT Tree and wires blew down on 4th street in charles tow in jefferson county WV, 66.5 miles W of Baltimore, MD
3:03 PM EDT Two trees blew down on east washington street in charles tow in jefferson county WV, 67 miles W of Baltimore, MD
3:22 PM EDT A few trees dow in monongalia county WV, 43.9 miles N of Elkins, WV
3:27 PM EDT Tree and power lines down in monongalia county WV, 44.2 miles N of Elkins, WV
6:43 PM EDT Tree blew down on fegan roa in berkeley county WV, 78.3 miles W of Baltimore, MD


Local Time Report Details
2:15 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Hershey, NE, 24.1 miles NW of North Platte, NE, delayed report.
3:16 PM MDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Harrison, NE, 40.6 miles N of Scottsbluff, NE
3:46 PM MDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Benkelman, NE, 56.2 miles NNW of Colby, KS, delayed report by trained spotter.
3:48 PM MDT Power outages at red cloud campground and tree limb broke in sioux county NE, 55.9 miles N of Scottsbluff, NE
3:48 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Chadron, NE, 76.1 miles NNE of Scottsbluff, NE
4:19 PM MDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Wauneta, NE, 64.1 miles NNW of Colby, KS
4:25 PM MDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Wauneta, NE, 64.1 miles NNW of Colby, KS
5:26 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Moorefield, NE, 40.2 miles SSE of North Platte, NE, time estimated from radar.
5:27 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Cozad, NE, 50.1 miles ESE of North Platte, NE, report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).
5:58 PM CDT Baseball sized hail reported near Palisade, NE, 57.7 miles SSW of North Platte, NE, report via spotter network
4:58 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Chadron, NE, 64.7 miles NNE of Scottsbluff, NE
11:02 PM UTC Quarter sized hail reported near Harrison, NE, 39.8 miles N of Scottsbluff, NE, hail reported falling from 502 to 506 pm.
5:15 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Gurley, NE, 51.5 miles SE of Scottsbluff, NE
5:15 PM MDT Baseball sized hail reported near Gurley, NE, 51.8 miles SE of Scottsbluff, NE
5:30 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Gurley, NE, 51.8 miles SE of Scottsbluff, NE
5:30 PM MDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Gurley, NE, 51.8 miles SE of Scottsbluff, NE
5:40 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Dalton, NE, 50 miles ESE of Scottsbluff, NE
5:46 PM MDT From 543 to 546 pm md in dawes county NE, 73.4 miles NNE of Scottsbluff, NE
5:52 PM MDT Storm damage reported in cheyenne county NE, 64.3 miles N of Yuma, CO
6:05 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Lodgepole, NE, 71.3 miles N of Yuma, CO
6:25 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Alliance, NE, 57 miles NE of Scottsbluff, NE
7:04 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Gordon, NE, 76.7 miles WSW of Valentine, NE
8:05 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Palisade, NE, 54.9 miles SSW of North Platte, NE, report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).
8:18 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Palisade, NE, 53.5 miles SSW of North Platte, NE, 1 inch hail reported by trained spotter
8:23 PM CDT Baseball sized hail reported near Palisade, NE, 59.4 miles SSW of North Platte, NE, golf ball to baseball size hail reported.
7:31 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Grant, NE, 54.3 miles WSW of North Platte, NE
7:52 PM MDT Storm damage reported in arthur county NE, 46.2 miles WNW of North Platte, NE
7:52 PM MDT Storm damage reported in arthur county NE, 60.3 miles WNW of North Platte, NE
8:57 PM CDT Nedor rwis statio in kearney county NE, 48.3 miles SW of Grand Island, NE
9:30 PM CDT Report from mping: 1-inch tree limbs broken; shingles blown of in red willow county NE, 60.1 miles NNE of Colby, KS
10:48 PM CDT Davis weatherlink statio in phelps county NE, 59.7 miles WSW of Grand Island, NE


Local Time Report Details
3:50 PM EDT Several reports of scattered trees and powerlines down in most sections of middlebury... including court street and route 116 in addison county VT, 32.3 miles S of Burlington, VT
4:12 PM EDT Several 12 inch diameter branches downed by thunderstorm wind in washington county VT, 28.2 miles SE of Burlington, VT
4:20 PM EDT Numerous reports of power outages from barre through marshfield beginning at 420 pm to 445 p in washington county VT, 39.7 miles ESE of Burlington, VT
4:27 PM EDT Numerous trees downed on route 14 in barr in washington county VT, 39.8 miles ESE of Burlington, VT
4:28 PM EDT Trees downed on route 313 on the new york-vermont border in bennington county VT, 40.2 miles ENE of Schenectady, NY
4:33 PM EDT Trees and wires down... with trees snapped 15 to 20 feet above the groun in washington county VT, 38.5 miles ESE of Burlington, VT
4:35 PM EDT Trees and powerlines down on school st/route 2 in plainfiel in washington county VT, 41.5 miles ESE of Burlington, VT
4:36 PM EDT Numerous trees and wires downed on route 7a in arlington in bennington county VT, 43.1 miles ENE of Schenectady, NY
4:38 PM EDT Tree downed on car near arlington fire station in bennington county VT, 44.1 miles ENE of Schenectady, NY
4:47 PM EDT Tree limbs down on danville hill rd in east cabo in washington county VT, 47 miles E of Burlington, VT
4:50 PM EDT Trees and wires down in caledonia county VT, 53.2 miles ESE of Burlington, VT
4:51 PM EDT Corrected time of report. peacham road in caledonia county VT, 54 miles E of Burlington, VT
5:00 PM EDT Trees and wires down in caledonia county VT, 58.9 miles ESE of Burlington, VT
5:15 PM EDT Large tree down in windham county VT, 71.6 miles ENE of Schenectady, NY
5:20 PM EDT Tree down on herring hill rd in windham county VT, 70.7 miles ENE of Schenectady, NY
5:30 PM EDT Tree down near exit 2 northbound on i-91 in windham county VT, 69.7 miles E of Schenectady, NY
5:51 PM EDT Peacham road in caledonia county VT, 53.4 miles E of Burlington, VT


Local Time Report Details
3:59 PM EDT Tree and wires down near intersection of haughs church road and detour roa in frederick county MD, 41.4 miles WNW of Baltimore, MD
5:17 PM EDT Two trees fell onto two different apartment buildings in the 3000 block of oak green circl in howard county MD, 10.2 miles W of Baltimore, MD
5:26 PM EDT Tree blew down onto one lane of us 40 near nuwood driv in baltimore county MD, 7.6 miles W of Baltimore, MD
5:30 PM EDT Large tree branches down across road in howard county MD, 15.3 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
5:35 PM EDT Tree branches and trees down on murray hill road near the middle patuxent river to the intersection of vollmerhausen roa in howard county MD, 15.7 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
5:35 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 210 south at old fort roa in prince georges county MD, 41.9 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:40 PM EDT *** 1 inj *** tree down on home in 13300 block of pendleton street in fort washingto in prince georges county MD, 31 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:40 PM EDT Multiple trees blew down in the southern portion of prince george's county near fort washingto in prince georges county MD, 45.6 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:40 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 223 north past gallahan roa in prince georges county MD, 44.9 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:40 PM EDT *** 1 inj *** tree down on home in 13300 block of pendleton street in fort washingto in prince georges county MD, 45 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:42 PM EDT Numerous trees and wires down in the ft. washington park area in prince georges county MD, 45.7 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:42 PM EDT Tree down on house on the 13000 block of pendleton street in prince georges county MD, 45 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:42 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Elkridge, MD, 11.9 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
5:44 PM EDT Tree blew down onto an occupied car in the 10900 block of sweetgum way. occupant safely out of ca in prince georges county MD, 31 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:44 PM EDT Quarter sized hail reported near Columbia, MD, 12 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
5:46 PM EDT Partial structure collapse of the frame of a new building under construction in the 3700 block of crain highwa in prince georges county MD, 31.8 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
5:54 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 295 south at ridge roa in anne arundel county MD, 6.4 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
6:03 PM EDT Tree fell across roadway on furnace r in anne arundel county MD, 7.6 miles S of Baltimore, MD
6:25 PM EDT Numerous trees down between the 1800 and 2000 block of nobles mill road in harford county MD, 30 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
6:48 PM EDT Tree down near the intersection of indian head highway and old fort road south in charles county MD, 56.1 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
6:52 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 273 near lewisville roa in cecil county MD, 48.6 miles NE of Baltimore, MD
7:00 PM EDT Tree down on the 9000 block of md-223/piscataway road in prince georges county MD, 39.2 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
7:12 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 478 near moore stree in frederick county MD, 55.8 miles W of Baltimore, MD
7:13 PM EDT Powerlines down on the 3000 block of petersville road in frederick county MD, 53.7 miles W of Baltimore, MD
7:35 PM EDT Roof partially blown off barn in the 14000 block of weller road. a couple of trees also blew dow in washington county MD, 75.7 miles S of State College, PA
7:45 PM EDT About a dozen calls for trees and wires down in the mount airy are in carroll county MD, 30 miles W of Baltimore, MD
7:50 PM EDT Tree down on livingston road south of medinah ridge road in prince georges county MD, 45.4 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
7:54 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 97 south near md 3 in carroll county MD, 25.8 miles NW of Baltimore, MD
7:55 PM EDT About a dozen calls for trees and wires down in the sykesville are in carroll county MD, 20.6 miles WNW of Baltimore, MD
8:03 PM EDT 5 trees blew down in the reiserstown/owings mills are in baltimore county MD, 17.1 miles NW of Baltimore, MD
8:03 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 30 south near kemp roa in baltimore county MD, 18.1 miles NW of Baltimore, MD
8:12 PM EDT Multiple trees and wires down in the cabin john are in montgomery county MD, 36.9 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:14 PM EDT Tree down on transformer on 8000 block of block river road in montgomery county MD, 36.6 miles WSW of Baltimore, MD
8:18 PM EDT Tree and wires down blocking road near the intersection of persimmon tree road and holly leaf lane in montgomery county MD, 37 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:20 PM EDT Wires down on the 8000 block of maple avenue in montgomery county MD, 33.5 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:22 PM EDT Wires down on the 7000 block of wisconsin avenue in montgomery county MD, 33.5 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:30 PM EDT Tree down at the 4600 block of windsor av in baltimore city county MD, 4 miles WNW of Baltimore, MD
8:33 PM EDT Wires down near the intersection of walhonding road and tuscarawas road in montgomery county MD, 35.7 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
8:40 PM EDT Tree blew down on md 4 north near water stree in prince georges county MD, 34 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD
9:16 PM EDT Tree blew down on marshall hall roa in charles county MD, 51.9 miles SSW of Baltimore, MD


Local Time Report Details
4:28 PM EDT Large tree down from estimated 50mph wind gust. time estimated by rada in aroostook county ME, 51.7 miles S of Caribou, ME
6:52 PM EDT Trees and wires down on ossipee hill rd. time estimated by rada in york county ME, 24.4 miles WSW of Portland, ME
7:09 PM EDT Multiple reports of trees down around lake arrowhead and trees on boat in york county ME, 24.7 miles W of Portland, ME
7:10 PM EDT West road closed due to trees on roadwa in york county ME, 26.1 miles WSW of Portland, ME
7:12 PM EDT Pictures on social media of large tree fell into home on glenwood ave. time estimated from rada in cumberland county ME, 9.3 miles W of Portland, ME
7:20 PM EDT Corrects previous non-tstm wnd dmg report from 1 ne westbrook to tstm wind damage. tree across park road in westbroo in cumberland county ME, 5.1 miles WNW of Portland, ME


Local Time Report Details
5:15 PM EDT Large tree dow in berkshire county MA, 49.8 miles ESE of Schenectady, NY
5:52 PM EDT Large tree down on eden trail road in franklin county MA, 67.6 miles E of Schenectady, NY
6:00 PM EDT Tree down on cross street in franklin county MA, 71.5 miles E of Schenectady, NY
6:02 PM EDT Tree and wires down on emerson gorham road in hampshire county MA, 67.5 miles SE of Schenectady, NY
6:35 PM EDT Tree down on jones road in hampshire county MA, 64.5 miles NW of Providence, RI
6:39 PM EDT Tree down on amherst road in hampshire county MA, 64.5 miles NW of Providence, RI
7:20 PM EDT Multiple trees down on north branch parkway in hampden county MA, 61.6 miles WNW of Providence, RI

New Hampshire

Local Time Report Details
5:20 PM EDT Trees down off of hwy 30 in grafton county NH, 71 miles E of Burlington, VT
5:24 PM EDT Several trees dow in sullivan county NH, 81.8 miles SSE of Burlington, VT
5:25 PM EDT Large branches down across route 3 with penny size hai in grafton county NH, 79.4 miles WNW of Portland, ME
5:40 PM EDT Delayed report. maple tree snapped 40 feet above groun in cheshire county NH, 77.5 miles E of Schenectady, NY
5:42 PM EDT Trees and wires down on ball park r in sullivan county NH, 96.7 miles ENE of Schenectady, NY
5:48 PM EDT Trees... large branches and other debris scattered across hwy 32 near south r in cheshire county NH, 83.6 miles NNW of Providence, RI
5:48 PM EDT Several trees and power lines dow in sullivan county NH, 88.2 miles SSE of Burlington, VT
5:51 PM EDT Several trees dow in sullivan county NH, 92.4 miles SE of Burlington, VT
5:53 PM EDT Several trees dow in cheshire county NH, 94.4 miles NNW of Providence, RI
5:54 PM EDT Trees and wires dow in merrimack county NH, 74.2 miles W of Portland, ME
6:06 PM EDT Several trees and wires dow in merrimack county NH, 82.8 miles WSW of Portland, ME
6:06 PM EDT Trees and branches down east of sandwich and moultonboroug in carroll county NH, 56.2 miles W of Portland, ME
6:10 PM EDT Trees and wires down at diane drive and peter c in belknap county NH, 62.7 miles W of Portland, ME
6:10 PM EDT Trees and wires dow in merrimack county NH, 79.9 miles W of Portland, ME
6:11 PM EDT Large tree down blocking tannery hill rd and middle hancock rd. time estimated based on rada in hillsborough county NH, 82.2 miles NNW of Providence, RI
6:11 PM EDT Trees and wires down on bryant and proctor rd in jaffrey. time estimated based on rada in cheshire county NH, 76.7 miles NNW of Providence, RI
6:15 PM EDT Tree and wires down. time estimated based on rada in belknap county NH, 56.1 miles W of Portland, ME
6:15 PM EDT Several trees and wires dow in belknap county NH, 64.3 miles W of Portland, ME
6:18 PM EDT Trees and wires dow in belknap county NH, 61.6 miles W of Portland, ME
6:23 PM EDT Measured by a personal weather statio in belknap county NH, 55.3 miles W of Portland, ME
6:24 PM EDT Trees and wires dow in hillsborough county NH, 92.8 miles NNW of Providence, RI
6:50 PM EDT Trees down on nutes r in strafford county NH, 39.8 miles WSW of Portland, ME


Local Time Report Details
3:31 PM MDT Storm damage reported in campbell county WY, 25 miles SSE of Gillette, WY
4:15 PM MDT Storm damage reported in campbell county WY, 55.3 miles SSE of Gillette, WY
4:16 PM MDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Upton, WY, 40.1 miles ESE of Gillette, WY
4:57 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Newcastle, WY, 47.8 miles W of Rapid City, SD

New Jersey

Local Time Report Details
5:52 PM EDT Downed wires near bunnvale road and hill drive east. time estimated from rada in hunterdon county NJ, 47.3 miles W of Brooklyn, NY
5:54 PM EDT Downed trees and wires near allerton and clinton. time estimated from rada in hunterdon county NJ, 47.1 miles W of Brooklyn, NY
6:00 PM EDT Widespread power outages in the area. time estimated from rada in mercer county NJ, 52.1 miles SW of Brooklyn, NY
6:05 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires reported in a few locations in the manville area. time estimated from rada in somerset county NJ, 34.2 miles WSW of Brooklyn, NY
6:07 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires near south lane. time estimated from rada in mercer county NJ, 43.5 miles SW of Brooklyn, NY
6:08 PM EDT Tree split in hal in somerset county NJ, 32.6 miles WSW of Brooklyn, NY
6:12 PM EDT Downed tree on u.s. highway 130 southbound ramp to ridge road. all lanes closed. time estimated from rada in middlesex county NJ, 34.9 miles SW of Brooklyn, NY
6:14 PM EDT Several reports of downed trees and wires in mendham. time estimated from rada in morris county NJ, 32.6 miles W of Brooklyn, NY
6:17 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires near seymour terrace. time estimated from rada in middlesex county NJ, 27.8 miles WSW of Brooklyn, NY
6:19 PM EDT Downed tree on u.s. highway 202 southbound north of county road 613. lane restrictions required. time estimated from rada in somerset county NJ, 29.4 miles W of Brooklyn, NY
6:22 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires reported in several locations between lyons and millington. time estimated from rada in somerset county NJ, 28.4 miles W of Brooklyn, NY
6:27 PM EDT Downed trees and wires reported in long hill and millington. time estimated from rada in morris county NJ, 23.1 miles W of Brooklyn, NY
6:30 PM EDT Downed tree limbs and wires near tabor road. time estimated from rada in morris county NJ, 27.4 miles WNW of Brooklyn, NY
6:35 PM EDT Large tree was uprooted on charles street and is leaning on power line in union county NJ, 18.4 miles W of Brooklyn, NY
6:49 PM EDT Downed tree on state highway 35 near mulberry lane. all lanes closed. time estimated from rada in monmouth county NJ, 21.4 miles SSW of Brooklyn, NY
6:51 PM EDT Large tree limb down. time estimated by rada in bergen county NJ, 18.4 miles NNW of Brooklyn, NY
7:06 PM EDT Tree down on roa in bergen county NJ, 27.2 miles NNW of Brooklyn, NY
7:38 PM EDT Njwxnet measured gus in ocean county NJ, 52.1 miles S of Brooklyn, NY


Local Time Report Details
4:10 PM MDT Quarter sized hail reported near Stoneham, CO, 60.8 miles NW of Yuma, CO, corrects previous hail report from stoneham. report from mping: quarter (1.00 in.).


Local Time Report Details
5:16 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Amarillo, TX, 11.5 miles E of Amarillo, TX, mostly half inch to quarter... a few half dollar size hail.
6:14 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Panhandle, TX, 24.1 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX
6:28 PM CDT Tea Cup sized hail reported near Gruver, TX, 82.7 miles NNE of Amarillo, TX, late report of 3 inch hail received with picture.
6:29 PM CDT Ping Pong Ball sized hail reported near Panhandle, TX, 26.7 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX
6:33 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Gruver, TX, 83.8 miles NNE of Amarillo, TX, report received via spotter network.
6:38 PM CDT Baseball sized hail reported near Gruver, TX, 84 miles NNE of Amarillo, TX, late storm chaser report of baseball size hail.
6:40 PM CDT Hen Egg sized hail reported near Panhandle, TX, 27.7 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX, twitter report with picture of measured 2 inch hail.
6:49 PM CDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Panhandle, TX, 23.9 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX, picture received via twitter.
6:53 PM CDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Panhandle, TX, 27.5 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX, picture received via twitter.
6:56 PM CDT Rick husband intl airport asos measured 60 mph wind gus in potter county TX, 7.1 miles E of Amarillo, TX
7:05 PM CDT Palo duro reservoir 1 n in hansford county TX, 87.6 miles NNE of Amarillo, TX
7:30 PM CDT Measured by the west texas mesonet in lamb county TX, 43 miles NW of Lubbock, TX
7:36 PM CDT Measured by the texas tech mesonet. peak gusts of 59 mph were also observed at 735 pm and 730 p in lamb county TX, 43 miles NW of Lubbock, TX
7:39 PM CDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Panhandle, TX, 29.5 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX
8:11 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near White Deer, TX, 43.9 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX
8:14 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Skellytown, TX, 44.3 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX
8:20 PM CDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Perryton, TX, 78.1 miles W of Woodward, OK, golf ball to tennis ball size hail reported.
8:23 PM CDT Tennis Ball sized hail reported near Perryton, TX, 70.9 miles W of Woodward, OK
8:40 PM CDT Golf Ball sized hail reported near Hale Center, TX, 34.7 miles NNW of Lubbock, TX, time estimated by radar
8:47 PM CDT Quarter sized hail reported near Pampa, TX, 54.8 miles ENE of Amarillo, TX
9:38 PM CDT Measured by the texas tech west texas mesonet. an 85 mph gust was recorded at both 937 pm and 938 p in lamb county TX, 43 miles NW of Lubbock, TX
9:55 PM CDT Measured by the west texas mesonet in lamb county TX, 37.5 miles NNW of Lubbock, TX
10:00 PM CDT Measured by the west texas mesonet in lamb county TX, 37.5 miles NNW of Lubbock, TX
10:05 PM CDT Measured by the west texas mesonet in lamb county TX, 37.5 miles NNW of Lubbock, TX
10:15 PM CDT Measured by the west texas mesonet in hockley county TX, 21.5 miles WNW of Lubbock, TX
10:20 PM CDT Measured by the west texas mesonet. another gust to 71 mph was measured at 10:15 p in hockley county TX, 21.5 miles WNW of Lubbock, TX
10:55 PM CDT Storm damage reported in hale county TX, 39.9 miles N of Lubbock, TX


Local Time Report Details
6:45 PM EDT Trees and limbs reported down in litchfield county CT, 62.4 miles SSE of Schenectady, NY
7:09 PM EDT Trees and wires down near intersection of route 7 north and under mountain road in litchfield county CT, 66 miles SSE of Schenectady, NY
7:34 PM EDT Trees on wires on south street in litchfield in litchfield county CT, 82.9 miles NNE of Brooklyn, NY
7:34 PM EDT Tree branch on wire resulting in a fire in litchfield county CT, 83.7 miles NNE of Brooklyn, NY
7:35 PM EDT Tree down on power lines at intersection of gelston road and ct route 3 in fairfield county CT, 67 miles NNE of Brooklyn, NY
7:35 PM EDT Numerous trees reported down in litchfield county CT, 80.5 miles W of Providence, RI
7:38 PM EDT Downed trees and wires on marsh road and buell road in litchfield county CT, 84.4 miles SSE of Schenectady, NY
7:50 PM EDT Multiple trees reported down in litchfield county CT, 83.4 miles SSE of Schenectady, NY
7:51 PM EDT Tree down in harwinton in litchfield county CT, 84.9 miles SSE of Schenectady, NY
7:59 PM EDT Multiple trees down in new milford... ct in litchfield county CT, 68.9 miles NNE of Brooklyn, NY

New Mexico

Local Time Report Details
5:38 PM MDT Krow aso in chaves county NM, 5.3 miles SSE of Roswell, NM
5:45 PM MDT 2nd and union sustained winds of 65 mph measured with hand held anemometer in chaves county NM, 0.5 miles SW of Roswell, NM
5:45 PM MDT 2nd and union sustained winds of 65 mph measured with hand held anemometer in chaves county NM, 0.5 miles SW of Roswell, NM
6:10 PM MDT Storm damage reported in roosevelt county NM, 76.2 miles ENE of Roswell, NM


Local Time Report Details
7:14 PM CDT Half Dollar sized hail reported near Beaver, OK, 64.3 miles WNW of Woodward, OK
8:11 PM CDT Storm damage reported in beaver county OK, 56.6 miles WNW of Woodward, OK
9:05 PM CDT Storm damage reported in woodward county OK, 25.3 miles NE of Woodward, OK
9:30 PM CDT Storm damage reported in woodward county OK, 25.3 miles NE of Woodward, OK
9:55 PM CDT Storm damage reported in woods county OK, 42.3 miles ENE of Woodward, OK
10:00 PM CDT Storm damage reported in woods county OK, 42.3 miles ENE of Woodward, OK
10:15 PM CDT Storm damage reported in woods county OK, 42.3 miles ENE of Woodward, OK

District of Columbia

Local Time Report Details
8:23 PM EDT About two dozen calls for downed trees and wires in nw d in district of columb county DC, 34.2 miles SW of Baltimore, MD
9:13 PM EDT Tree down on beach drive near the intersection with porter street nw in district of columb county DC, 34.3 miles SW of Baltimore, MD