Unlimited Hail Impact Reports
Hail Impact Reports. Create as many as you like. No hidden fees!
Right after you talk to your prospects, send them a custom hail report based on their address! Now you have an excuse to get your prospect’s email address and phone number! Create the address specific Hail Impact Report while you are still in the driveway and text and text it before you leave.
Hail Impact Reports are super easy to create. Key in an address and click “Hail Impact Report”, within 45 seconds your address specific Hail Impact report will pop up on your screen! And when you don’t require a full report and all you need at the moment is the hail history you can click “Show Impact Dates” to get that info even quicker!
After you text it to them your prospect has your branded report, complete with your logo and phone number. We even notify you with a push notification when your prospect opens the report!
Watch the video below to see how to create a Hail Impact Report with your computer!