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Interactive Hail Maps Features
Every Hail Map for the Next 12 Months
You get every map, live as they occur, for an entire year!
3+ Years of Historical Hail Maps
View all the storms since January 2011.
Forensic Level Radar Hail Swaths
We analyze multiple radar sources in real time to provide top-tier hail swath accuracy.
Unlimited Address Monitoring
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Hail Map Oklahoma City, Oklahoma April 26, 2013
Hail Map Oklahoma City, Oklahoma April 26, 2013
This map shows the hail that moved through Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 26th, 2013.(Click on the map for a larger view) This is the first of 3 separate hail storms that hit in and around Oklahoma City in 2013. The hail swaths are radar indicated with the […]
Kick off the 2014 Hail Season
Offer Expires December 1
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When you purchase one of our plans, you get EVERYTHING. You get access to all history, and everything going forward.
Hail Map for Sunday, June 16, 2013
Here is a nationwide view of the hail that fell on Sunday, June 16th, 2013. (Click on the map for a larger view) This is radar indicated hail with the largest hail displayed with “heat” so you can quickly see the hardest hit areas. Large hail fell in the middle of the country on Sunday, […]
Hail Map for Castle Rock, Colorado July 30, 2012
Hail Map for Castle Rock, Colorado July 30, 2012
Here is a map of the radar indicated hail around Castle Rock, Colorado on July 30, 2012. The most intense large hail hit just west of the city. Use Interactive Hail Maps to pinpoint hail storms nationwide. Scroll day to day and zoom all the way to […]
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